Posted in Անգլերեն 6.10

Summer Questions

What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
I love to go to the yard, and play with my friends.

Is summer your favorite season of the year?
I love all the seasons, and I don’t have favorite season.

What is your favorite summer memory?
My favorite summer memory, that I’ll never forget is is that, when I went to Georgia, to Black sea with my cousins.

What food do you like to at in the summer?
I like to eat snacks and drink soda.

What is your favorite drink to have on a hot summers day?
I like to drink only water on a hot days.

Did you go on holiday last summer? Where?
I went to Georgia with my siblings.

How hot does it get in the summer where you live?
I live in Armenia. In summers it’s very hot.

Where would you like to go on holiday next summer?
I would like to go to South Korea or to USA to my siblings.

Is it important for students take a break from studying during the summer?
I think yes, because all the student need to get a rest when they’re studying at school or at the university.

What activities do you do in the summer but not in the winter?
I can do everything in summer what I want, but I can’t do nearly everything in winter, because it’s cold in winter and, we almost don’t go to the yard to play with friends.


Բարի գալուստ իմ փոքրիկ, դպրոցական բլոգ, որտեղ ես ամեն օր տեղադրում եմ տարբեր նյութեր իմ դասերի հետ կապված։ Ներկայանամ։ Ես Հակոբյան Արփինեն եմ։ Սովորում եմ կրթահամալիրի միջին դպրոցի 6-րդ դասարանում։

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